Enhancing Hygiene with MicrobeCare Antimicrobial Spray
Verbero is interested in ensuring a clean, safe, and hygienic environment for ice hockey. MicrobeCare is the perfect solution to accomplish this task. Our team at Verbero offers MicrobeCare products like anti-microbial spray designed to provide our customers with lasting protection against harmful germs, bacteria, and microbes. We strive hard to contribute to the well-being of our players and maintain a playable and hygienic environment for them.
We know ice hockey gear and equipment can become a breeding ground for microbes and bacteria due to sweat, lack of air circulation, and UV light exposure. But you have nothing to worry about because we have the right solution to address these issues. MicrobeCare plays a vital role in preventing the spread of harmful microbes, fungi, germs, viruses, and bacteria by forming a covalent bond with all surfaces to prevent the growth of these nasty elements in the first place! MicrobeCare is a unique, patented, EPA-registered antimicrobial spray solution that will help reduce the spread of infection and cross-communication of dangerous microorganisms on surfaces to which it is applied. It is proven to extend the useful lifetime of products. The cans are 6oz. It has an adjustable spray top, like an axe body spray can, for locking. So, a player can throw it into his bag without worrying about it going off.
Antimicrobial Spray for skin By MicrobeCare
MircobeCare is used by 50+ Division I Universities and the Tour de France, including all medical vehicles, tents, and numerous professional sports teams. MicrobeCare can be applied to ice hockey gear such as helmets, gloves, pads, and sticks to provide continuous protection from bacteria. This helps maintain the equipment's longevity and ensures a hygienic playing experience. You can also apply MicrobeCare to locker room surfaces, shared spaces, lockers, and benches to create a barrier against microbial growth. Besides that, our antimicrobial spray for skin ensures the safety of skin health for players who play on the field for a longer haul. This will remove the stink from the stinkiest players. The guys that don't wear socks aren't an issue anymore.
Enhance Safety with MicrobeCare Antimicrobial Solution
MicrobeCare is entirely non-toxic and is used on countless FDA medical devices in surgeries. This is why it has been put through numerous tests that your everyday cleaners aren't subjected to.
As for how to apply, you can douse a piece of equipment or spray it. Either one will do its job. However, if it's an old piece of equipment, there will be layers and layers of contamination deeply rooted in the softer pads. You'll want to use it as necessary, considering that.
Order MicrobeCare today and take the first steps to a cleaner and safer playing environment. You can have peace of mind in knowing that MicrobeCare is one of the most innovative solutions on the market, prioritizing hygiene and contributing to the health and safety of hockey players. MicrobeCare owns and controls the patents to nearly every application of an antimicrobial on athletic equipment. From helmets to skates, MicrobeCare is the only patented antimicrobial intended for application on those pieces of equipment.